New chocking images of a duck farm in the Pyrénées-Atlantiques

The association L214 has published another upsetting video of unimaginable images of ducks in a farm in the french department Pyrénées-Atlantiques. It concerns a hatchery for the production of ducklings to be fattened up for their fatty liver or in french “foie gras”, a so-called delicacy in France. You see male ducks (so-called Barbary or Muscovy ducks) who are kept in cages for their sperm, already dead, dying, or “swimming” in their own manure. Females (so-called Peking ducks)  are kept in dirty barns and are inseminated to produce  eggs. Out of these eggs hatch the so called Mullard ducklings who are used for the production of Foie Gras. The images are very disturbing. An investigation has been started and for the time being the farm is closed. More in french in this article: